Camera Obscured? Perspectives on contemporary B...
Perspectives on contemporary British Photography 2. Photography on the Curriculum The purporse of...
Mike Goldwater Collection
3rd March 1975; 'Photography on the Curriculum' seminar. Tom Picton, (bottom left) Senior Lecture...
Mike Goldwater Collection
3rd March 1975; 'Photography on the Curriculum' seminar. Tom Picton, (bottom left) Senior Lecture...
Mike Goldwater Collection
3rd March 1975; Thomas Cooper on the panel during the 'Photography on the Curriculum' seminar. ...
Mike Goldwater Collection
24th March 1975; David Hurn on the panel during the 'Photography on the Curriculum' seminar. Ph...
Mike Goldwater Collection
24th March 1975; David Hurn on the panel during the 'Photography on the Curriculum' seminar. Ph...
Mike Goldwater Collection
24th March 1975; David Hurn on the panel during the 'Photography on the Curriculum' seminar. Ph...
Mike Goldwater Collection
24th March 1975; Ian Berry on the panel during the 'Task of the Photojournalist' seminar. Photo...
Mike Goldwater Collection
27th Jan 1975; 'Camera Obscured?' seminar the 'Task of the Photojournalist'. Chris Steele-Perkins...
Mike Goldwater Collection
24th March 1975; Clive Limpkin on the panel during the 'Photography on the Curriculum' seminar. H...
Mike Goldwater Collection
24th March 1975; Clive Limpkin on the panel during the 'Photography on the Curriculum' seminar. H...
Mike Goldwater Collection
27th Jan 1975; Camera Obscured? seminar 'The Task of the Photojournalist' John Benton-Harris an...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Tom Picton, Senior Lecturer in Photography at the Royal College of Art, in the audience. during ...