Beirut: Photos from the Israeli invasion of Leb...
Exhibition Poster for Beirut, Photographs from the Israeli Invasion of Lebanon 1982/83 by Judah P...
Beirut: Photos from the Israeli invasion of Leb...
Photograph and Article on page 17 of Labour Weekly September 23 1983. Photograph by Judah Passow ...
Beirut: Photos from the Israeli invasion of Leb...
Photograph of a young boy aiming toy gun at passing Italian patrol, August 1983
Beirut: Photos from the Israeli invasion of Leb...
Photograph of young girl stading next to a military tank in Chatila refugee camp, West Beirut, Au...
Beirut: Photos from the Israeli invasion of Leb...
Photograph of an elated woman in a group while holding a machine gun above her head
Beirut: Photos from the Israeli invasion of Leb...
Photograph of a framed photograph of PLO leader Yasser Arafat placed on top of a pile of filled s...
Beirut: Photos from the Israeli invasion of Leb...
Article by Nigel Pollitt in City Limits Visual Arts listings section Sept 30 - Oct 6 1983 featuri...
Beirut: Photos from the Israeli invasion of Leb...
Article on page 8 of The News Line September 17 1983 by John Spencer with photograph by Chris Ste...
Beirut: Photos from the Israeli invasion of Leb...
Touring Exhibition booking form - Council for the advancement of Arab-British Culture
Beirut: Photos from the Israeli invasion of Leb...
Letter dated 21 September 1983 from Yousef Allan to Shirley Read at Camerawork requesting hire of...
Beirut: Photos from the Israeli invasion of Leb...
Touring Exhibition booking form - Leeds University Union
Beirut: Photos from the Israeli invasion of Leb...
Letter from Camerawork to Leeds Police regarding the whereabouts of the Beirut exhibition missing...
Beirut: Photos from the Israeli invasion of Leb...
Letter from Camerawork to student, Elias Khoury, of the Palestine Students' Society at Leeds Univ...
Beirut: Photos from the Israeli invasion of Leb...
Letter from Camerawork to Leeds University student union administrator regarding the late return ...
Beirut: Photos from the Israeli invasion of Leb...
Letter from student, Elias Khoury, from Palestine Students' Society at Leeds University to Camera...
Beirut: Photos from the Israeli invasion of Leb...
Letter from Camerwork to Elias Khoury and the Palestine Students' Society rejecting his excuse fo...
Beirut: Photos from the Israeli invasion of Leb...
Touring Exhibition booking form - Sussex University