Camerawork Magazine - Issue 05
Issue 5: Barry Lane Bill Gaskins Bert Hardy and Tom Hopkinson Dave Hoffman Frank Webster Terry De...'quality of life', alternative technology, amber associates, arts council, arts council photography committee
'quality of life', alternative technology, amber associates, arts council, arts council photography committee, barry kay, basement photography project, bbc, cable street, camerawork printing costs, children's photography, community arts, daily mail, daily mirror, developing, feminity, funding applications, hmpw, homosexuality, i.r.a, korean war, maire drumm, natural light, patronage, photojournalism, picture post, processing, semiotics, side gallery and cinema, social realism, strikes, tabloids, television news, text and image, thames television, the box room gallery, the sun, tower hamlets arts project, transgender, transvestite, vanessa redgrave, visual language, whitechapel art gallery, wwii, zone system

Camerawork Magazine - Issue 11
Issue 11: Mass Obervation, Humphrey Spender, Nigel Henderson, The Metropolitan Police Card, Inspe...'mass observation ltd.', 1930s, advertising, alternative technology, bolton worktown project, british surrealism, censorship, charles madge, collage, colonialism, consensus politics, consumer research, daily mirror, documentary, espionage, federal writers' project, graffiti, graham bell, great depression, humphrey jennings, humphrey spender, john ruskin, judith henderson, julian trevylan, mass observation (m.o.), met' cards, mike abrahams, ministry of information, n.u.j., national front, nigel henderson, paul nash, pop art, poverty, processing, propaganda, pubs, richard hoggart, social anthropology, social realism, social survey, the blitz, the centre for contemporary cultural studies, the new left, tom harrisson, worktown project (bolton), ww2

Camerawork Magazine - Issue 14
Issue 14: Reporting on Northern Ireland. Special Issue1916 easter rising, amnesty international, army computers, army intelligence photography, bloody sunday massacre
1916 easter rising, amnesty international, army computers, army intelligence photography, bloody sunday massacre, bo bojesen, british army, british empire, british media, british press, buzz logan, castlereagh holding centre, catholic communities, censorship, child poverty, chris steele-perkins, colin jones, daily express, daily mail, daily mirror, dhss, history of ireland, housing, industrial development, infrastructure, internment, ira, ira funerals, john z delorean, long kesh prison, mass surveillance, mcgurk's bar bombing 1971, northern ireland peace movement, orange movement, paramilitary organisations, peace rally 1976, peter kennard, photo-journalism, police surveillance, police violence, raissa page, republicans, roy mason, ruc, sectarian violence, sinn fein, snatch squads, social work today, special branch, steve chibnall, sunday times, syd shelton, the observer, the troubles, tom atkins, tony benn, ulster defence regiment, unemployment, unionists, upi, visor magazine, workers' research unit