Camerawork Magazine - Issue 16
Issue 16: Manchester Studies Archive, Nicaragua in the News, Japanese Photography Reviewed, Camer...anti-realism, archives, camera obscura, camerawork, camerawork readers' meeting, canon, capitalism, civil war, community, community photography, diagram, do it yerself, eikoh hosoe, family collection, fsln, history, horror, industry, instructions, japanese photography today and its origins, lewisham, managua, manchester studies archive rescue, marxism, news photography, nicaragua dictatorship and revolution, oral history, photography agencies, photography analysis, photography theory, photojournalism, phototography practice, political, race today, realism, sandinista, self-image, socialism, somoza, visual representation

Camerawork Magazine - Issue 22
Issue 22: Women and Documentary Photography in Northern Irelandairport, airport opposition league, archives, arrest, arts and action project, arts council, black organisation, british army, censorship, children, civil rights, civil war, conflict, confrontation, control, danish women’s photographic archive, demonstration, deptford, displacement, documentary photography, el salvador, eyeopeners, farmers, fire, government, history, image, language, learning, liberation, media, murder, narita, northern ireland, occupation, opposition, photography working party, photojournalism, pinhole, police, policing photography, power, power and photography, press, press freedom, protest, racism, representation, repression, resistance, sanrizuka airport, sato, schools, state control, struggle, teachers, teaching, teenagers, text, trade union, using photography, war, women, women’s movement, words, workshop, young people

Camerawork Magazine - Issue 30
Issue 30: Black Culture, Pictures of women, Beyond the Pleasure Principle, Pop Videos, Images of Waract of looking, advertising, american, anthropology, appropriation, archive, art in the age of the mass media, arts and action, auca, berlin, black, body, cable, cable development, captions, channel 4, civil war, collection, community, conflict, culture, darkroom, david hockney, desire, discourse, diy, drawing, el salvadorian film institute, elizabeth elliot, ethnography, exhibition, exhibition texts, fact, falklands, feminist, film, hayward gallery, heroism, hierarchy, history, hockney at the hayward, imperial war museum, independent film, independent video, indians, institute of contemporary art, loli galvar, love, mapplethorpe at the ica, media, mtv, music video, narrative, national identity, native, painting, patriarchy, photography, photomontage, pictures of women, pleasure principle, political, postcard, precarious masculinity, printing, promo video, promotion, promotion protecting photographs, record industry, record sales, reggae, renovation, representation, restoration, rising red star advertising agency, seminar, sexuality, sound systems, south hill park arts centre, stereotypes, still image, story, sudhost express, technology, television, television industry, text panels, the eleventh hour, the people will win, the savage my kinsman, time, video, visual perception, war, war photography, women, writing for exhibitions