Men Photographed by Women - Maggie Ellenby, Pen...
Exhibition Poster for MEN photographed by women by Maggie Murray, Sally Greenhill, Angela Philips...
Camera Obscured? Perspectives on contemporary B...
Seminar Series Poster for Camera Obscured? Perspectives on contemporary British Photography - par...
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 19
Issue 19: State of the Nation - E.P.Thompson, Photomontages by Peter Kennard, Edith Tudor-Hart - ...
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 30
Issue 30: Black Culture, Pictures of women, Beyond the Pleasure Principle, Pop Videos, Images of War
Camera Obscured? Perspectives on contemporary B...
Perspectives on Contemporary British Photography 4. Women in Photography Poster for Women in Pho...
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 01
Issue 1: The Politics of Photography Interview - "Problem in the City" Self Publishing
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 29
Issue 29: Images of the Left, McClaren on Cable, Photomontage, Stuart Hall, Video